The charm and effects of seaweed
Seaweed is a superfood that is low in calories and high in nutrients, and can supplement nutrients that are often lacking during diets. The main nutrients contained in seaweed include vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and high-quality protein.
Seaweed is very low in calories. The calorie content per 100 grams is approximately 35 kilocalories, making it very attractive for those who are concerned about calories while dieting. Additionally, the dietary fiber contained in nori has the effect of keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time, which helps prevent overeating.
Additionally, seaweed is rich in vitamins. In particular, vitamin B12 and vitamin C promote the body’s metabolism and help consume energy. Vitamin A also helps maintain the health of the skin and mucous membranes. This allows you to maintain a healthy body even while dieting.
It is also rich in minerals, including calcium and iron. These minerals support bone and blood health and help prevent nutritional deficiencies during your diet. Additionally, since it contains iodine, it can be expected to support thyroid function and increase basal metabolism.
However, seaweed can contain a lot of salt, so be careful not to consume too much. It is important to maintain a balanced diet while maintaining appropriate amounts.