Hand Roll Tokyo





Top 10 tourist destinations in Japan chosen by foreigners


日本首都であり、世界でも圧倒的な大都市。 高層ビルが並ぶ近未来的な都市景観と、浅草のような伝統的なエリアが融合しています。 秋葉原や原宿など、ポップカルチャーの中の心地よさとしてまた、美味しい日本食を楽しむことができるのも魅力です。

人気の理由:ショッピングやエンターテイメントの豊富さ 伝統と近代が錯覚する独特の雰囲気

日本の歴史と文化を体感できる古都、京都。金閣寺や清水寺、伏見稲荷大社などの歴史的な建造物が外国人観光客に人気です。 祇園での舞妓体験や、日本庭園を散策することも魅力の四季折々の風景、特に桜や紅葉が絶景です。

人気の理由:伝統的な建築や文化 桜や紅葉の美しさ


人気の理由:美味しい地元料理 ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンなどのアトラクション

日本を象徴する山として世界的に有名な富士山は、多くの外国人観光客が訪れるスポットです。 山登りや、富士五湖周辺での観光が人気です。 特に、河口湖から見る富士山の景色は絶景ですとして知られています。

人気の理由:日本のシンボルとも言える雄大な自然 四季折々の美しい風景


人気の理由:歴史的な学びの場 厳島神社の美しい景色


人気の理由:東大寺の大仏などの歴史的な記念碑 鹿とのふれあい 


人気の理由:美しいビーチと海のアクティビティ 独自の文化と歴史


人気の理由:四季折々の自然の美しさ 冬のスポーツや美味しい食べ物

東京からの日帰り旅行先としても人気の箱根は、温泉地として知られています。 外国人にとって、箱根での温泉体験は日本文化を感じる特別な瞬間です。また、芦ノ湖や大涌谷など、自然を楽しむスポットも豊富です。

人気の理由:温泉文化の体験 美しい自然環境


人気の理由:伝統と現代の融合 美しい庭園と文化財


Japan is very popular among foreign tourists as a country where good old traditions and modern culture coexist. Here we will introduce the top 10 tourist destinations in Japan that foreigners choose.

1. Tokyo
It is the capital of Japan and one of the largest cities in the world. It combines a futuristic cityscape with skyscrapers and traditional areas like Asakusa. It is a place where you can enjoy delicious Japanese food as well as the comfort of pop culture like Akihabara and Harajuku.

Reason for popularity: Abundance of shopping and entertainment, unique atmosphere that creates an illusion of tradition and modernity

2.Kyoto Prefecture
Kyoto is an ancient capital where you can experience Japanese history and culture. Historical buildings such as Kinkaku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera, and Fushimi Inari Taisha are popular with foreign tourists. Experience the maiko experience in Gion and stroll through the Japanese garden, all of which offer spectacular seasonal views, especially the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves.

Reason for popularity: Traditional architecture and culture, beauty of cherry blossoms and autumn leaves

3.Osaka Prefecture
Osaka is known as the “city of foodies,” and gourmet foods such as takoyaki and okonomiyaki are popular among foreigners. Osaka Castle and Universal Studios Japan (USJ) are also attractive tourist destinations. It’s an exciting experience for foreigners.

Reason for popularity: Delicious local food, attractions such as Universal Studios Japan

4. Mt. Fuji (Shizuoka Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture)
Mt. Fuji, which is world-famous as the symbol of Japan, is a popular spot for many foreign tourists. Mountain climbing and sightseeing around the Fuji Five Lakes are popular. In particular, the view of Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi is known for being spectacular.

Reason for popularity: Majestic nature that can be said to be a symbol of Japan, beautiful scenery of each season

5. Hiroshima Prefecture
Hiroshima has an important meaning for foreigners as a place where you can learn about the history of war by visiting the Peace Memorial Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome.

Reason for popularity: Beautiful scenery of Itsukushima Shrine, a place of historical learning

6.Nara Prefecture
Nara is known for the free-roaming deer in Nara Park and the Great Buddha at Todaiji Temple. As Japan’s ancient capital, there are many historic buildings that remain, just like Kyoto.

Reason for popularity: Historical monuments such as the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple, interaction with deer

7. Okinawa Prefecture
Okinawa, with its beautiful beaches and warm climate, is a popular resort destination for foreigners. In addition to enjoying marine activities such as snorkeling and diving, it is also attracting attention as a place where you can experience Ryukyu culture and history.

Reason for popularity: Beautiful beaches and sea activities, unique culture and history

Hokkaido, where you can enjoy beautiful nature throughout the four seasons, is especially famous for skiing and snowboarding in the winter and lavender fields in the summer. The Sapporo Snow Festival and delicious seafood are also reasons why Sapporo is popular with foreign tourists. Many foreigners visit here as a place where they can feel the great outdoors.

Reason for popularity: Natural beauty in all seasons, winter sports and delicious food

9. Hakone (Kanagawa Prefecture)
Hakone, a popular day trip destination from Tokyo, is known for its hot springs. For foreigners, experiencing a hot spring in Hakone is a special moment to experience Japanese culture. There are also plenty of spots to enjoy nature, such as Lake Ashi and Owakudani.

Reason for popularity: Experience hot spring culture, beautiful natural environment

10. Kanazawa (Ishikawa Prefecture)
Kanazawa, also known as “Little Kyoto,” is characterized by its traditional townscape and beautiful gardens. It is famous for Kenrokuen Garden and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, and has a unique charm that combines history and modern art.

Reason for popularity: A fusion of tradition and modernity, beautiful gardens and cultural assets

Japan is a country that offers a variety of attractions to foreign visitors. From big cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, to Hokkaido and Okinawa, which are rich in nature, to Nara and Kanazawa, which are rich in history and culture, you can learn about various aspects of Japan by visiting each of these tourist destinations. It is sure to be an unforgettable trip. Our store is located in Asakusa, Tokyo, which is number 1. Please stop by when you are sightseeing in Tokyo.



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Hand Roll Tokyo 浅草店
東京都台東区浅草1-12-6 1F