Seaweed is effective against hangovers?
海苔にはビタミンB1、B2、B6などのビタミンB群が多く含まれています。これらは体内でアルコールを代謝するために必要な成分です。 特にビタミンB1はアルコールの代謝を酵素の働きを促進し、二日間の酔いの原因となるアセトアルデヒドを直ちに行う分解を助けます。
忘年会や初詣などで浅草にお越しの際に、飲みすぎた方は是非当店にお立ち寄りください。小腹も満たされながら、二日酔いに効くHand Roll Tokyoの海苔巻き寿司は最適です。無料で温かいお茶もありますよので温まっていってください。
December has arrived and the year is almost over. I hope everyone had a good year. From now on, there will be more opportunities to drink alcohol, such as at year-end parties and New Year’s holidays, but if you drink too much delicious alcohol, you will get a hangover and have a hard day. It seems that seaweed is good for such times, so I have summarized the effects of seaweed.
Why seaweed is effective against hangovers
-Rich in B vitamins
Seaweed contains a lot of B vitamins, such as vitamins B1, B2, and B6. These are necessary ingredients for metabolizing alcohol in the body. Vitamin B1 in particular promotes the enzyme activity that metabolizes alcohol, and helps to immediately break down acetaldehyde, which causes two-day drunkenness.
-Minerals mitigate the effects of alcohol
Minerals such as potassium and magnesium contained in seaweed improve dehydration caused by alcohol and restore balance in the body. This can be expected to reduce headaches and swelling.
・Antioxidant effect
The polyphenols and beta-carotene contained in seaweed have antioxidant effects, reducing oxidative stress in the body caused by alcohol.
・Supplementing amino acids
Seaweed contains amino acids such as glutamic acid, which support the detoxification function of the liver.
If you have had too much to drink while visiting Asakusa for a year-end party or New Year’s visit to a shrine, please stop by our store. Hand Roll Tokyo’s seaweed rolls are perfect for treating a hangover while also satisfying your hunger. They also serve free hot tea, so please warm yourself up.