Hand Roll Tokyo





What kind of holiday is the Vernal Equinox?

春の訪問を実感する春分の日。日本では毎年3月20日または21日に祝日として制定されており、春を象徴する特別な日です。 今回は春分の日の意味や歴史、風習について詳しく紹介します。

  1. 春分の日の意味は?
  2. 春分の日の歴史と由来
  3. 春分の日に行われる風習や行事
    ① お彼岸のお墓参り
    春分の日を中心に前後3日間を合わせた7日間を「春のお彼岸」と呼びます。この時期には、家族でお墓参りをする習慣があり、ご先祖様に感謝を伝える大切な時間となります。           ②ぼたもち(おはぎ)を食べる
    春分の日には「ぼたもち」を食べる風習があります。これは、春に咲く「牡丹(ぼたん)」にちなんで思われたものです。(秋分の日には「おはぎ」と呼ばれます。)ぼたもちは、あんこの原料である小豆の赤色が邪気を叫んでいて、昔から魔除けの意味も込められて食べられてきました。                                                 ③自然を親しむ                                     春分の日は「自然をたたえ、生物をいつくしむ日」とされているため、家族で公園へ出かけたり、山や川などの自然を感じる場所を訪れたりするのもおすすめです。
  4. 春分の日を楽しむ過ごし方
    春分の日は、以下のような過ごし方をしてみてはどうでしょうか?               🌸家族でお墓参りをして、ご先祖様に感謝する                      🌸桜や梅などの春の花を見に行く                            🌸ぼたもちや春の食材を使った料理を楽しむ                       🌸朝日や夕日を眺めながら、一年の目標を考える

春分の日は、自然やご先祖様に感謝し新しい季節の始まりを意識する大切な日です。 今年の春分の日は、自然の美しさを感じながら、心穏やかに過ごしてみてはいかがでしょうか。浅草は隅田川沿いなど自然が溢れています。浅草観光の際はぜひ「Hand Roll Tokyo」にお立ち寄りください。

“Shunbun no Hi” is a day when you can truly feel the arrival of spring. In Japan, it is a national holiday that falls on March 20th or 21st every year, and is a special day that symbolizes spring. In this article, we will introduce the meaning, history, and customs of the Vernal Equinox Day in detail.

What does the vernal equinox mean?
The Vernal Equinox Day is designated as a national holiday as a day to praise nature and care for living things. From this point on, the daylight hours gradually become longer, marking the arrival of full-fledged spring, so it is said to be a day that symbolizes hope and new beginnings.

History and origin of the vernal equinox
The origin of the vernal equinox day follows the “Spring Imperial Spirit Festival,” which has been held since ancient times. This was an event to honor the ancestors of the imperial family, and it had a strong meaning as a day to honor ancestors. Today, it has been designated as a national holiday to eliminate religious overtones, and is widely celebrated as a day to express gratitude towards nature.

Customs and Events on Spring Day
① Visiting a grave on the equinox
The seven days surrounding the vernal equinox, including the three days before and after, are called the “Spring Equinox.” At this time of year, it is customary for families to visit graves, and it is an important time to express gratitude to our ancestors.         
② Eating Botamochi (Ohagi)
There is a custom of eating “botamochi” on the vernal equinox. This name comes from the “peony” that blooms in spring. (On the day of the autumnal equinox, it is called “ohagi.”) The red color of the red bean paste, which is the raw material for the red bean paste, screams out evil spirits, and it has been eaten since ancient times to ward off evil spirits.
③ Getting familiar with nature
The vernal equinox is said to be a day to celebrate nature and respect living things, so it is recommended that you and your family go to the park or visit places where you can feel nature, such as mountains or rivers.
④ How to enjoy Spring Day
Spring Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the arrival of spring. Why not try spending the day in the following ways?
🌸Visit the graves with your family and give thanks to your ancestors
🌸Go see spring flowers such as cherry blossoms and plum blossoms
🌸Enjoy botamochi and other dishes made with spring ingredients
🌸Think about your goals for the year while watching the sunrise and sunset

The Vernal Equinox is an important day to give thanks to nature and our ancestors and to be aware of the beginning of a new season. Why not spend this year’s Vernal Equinox in a peaceful atmosphere while feeling the beauty of nature? Asakusa is full of nature, including along the Sumida River. If you are sightseeing in Asakusa, be sure to stop by Hand Roll Tokyo.


Info 店舗情報



Hand Roll Tokyo 浅草店
東京都台東区浅草1-12-6 1F