「べらぼう 江戸たいとう 大河ドラマ館」について
About “Berabou Edo Taito Taiga Drama Museum”
館に入ると、ドラマのタイトルパネルが出てきます。 衣装展示コーナーでは、主人公・蔦屋重三郎や平賀源内、花魁の豪華な衣装を間近で見ることができます。 また、劇中で登場した「耕書堂」や、長谷川平蔵が撒いた紙花などの小道具も展示されており、ドラマの世界にどっぷり浸かれます。
館内にはお土産コーナーも併設されており、浮世絵をモチーフにした「UKIYOE COFFEE」など、個性的な商品が並びます。 ドラマ館を楽しんだ後は、隅田川沿いを散策しながら、浅草や吉原の歴史を感じるのでおすすめです。せっかくなので着物をレンタルするのも良いですね。
最後に浅草観光の際は「Hamd Roll Tokyo」の巻き寿司を食べに来てください。巻き寿司は江戸っ子のファストフードでした。巻き寿司を食べながら江戸っ子の気分で浅草を満喫してください!
“Berabou Edo Taiga Drama Museum” opened in Asakusa, Taito Ward on February 1st, where you can enjoy the world of the 2025 NHK taiga drama “Berabou ~ Tsutajuei Hanano Yumebanashi ~”. There are many exhibits related to the culture and characters of the Edo period, with a focus on Juzaburo Tsutaya, making it a popular facility for drama fans.
Highlights inside the facility
When you enter the building, the title panel of the drama will appear. In the costume exhibition corner, you can get a close look at the gorgeous costumes of the main character, Juzaburo Tsutaya, Gennai Hiraga, and the courtesans. Also on display are props such as the “Koshodo” that appeared in the drama and paper flowers scattered by Heizo Hasegawa, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the drama.
The charm of the exhibition
・Costume by Juzaburo Tsutaya: “Green” is used symbolically as a color that connects people.
・Hiraga Gennai’s costumes: Not only flashy ones, but also costumes with plain and stylish designs are on display.
・Set reproduction: Tsutaya’s workplace is recreated, and you can actually sit and take photos.
There are also exhibits on the publishing culture and ukiyo-e of the Edo period, providing a valuable opportunity to learn about the background of the era in which Tsutashige lived.
Souvenirs & walks around the area
There is also a souvenir corner inside the building, with unique products such as “UKIYOE COFFEE” with an ukiyo-e motif. After enjoying the drama museum, we recommend taking a walk along the Sumida River to feel the history of Asakusa and Yoshiwara. It’s also a good idea to rent a kimono.
Finally, when sightseeing in Asakusa, please come and try the sushi rolls at Hamd Roll Tokyo. Sushi rolls were a fast food for Edo people. Enjoy Asakusa like an Edokko while eating sushi rolls!