2025年の節分は2月2日について、そしてHand Roll Tokyoの恵方巻で幸せを呼び込もう
Setsubun in 2025 is on February 2nd, and let's bring happiness with Hand Roll Tokyo's Ehomaki
今年も節分の季節がやって来ました。 多くの人が「節分=2月3日」と思っているかもしれませんが、2025年の節分は2月2日(日)です!実は節分の日付は固定ではなく、数年ごとに変わることがあるんです。 今回は2025年の節分が2月2日になる理由を書いてみます。
・ 切らずに1本丸ごと食べる(縁を切らないため)
・ 食べている間は喋らない(運が逃げないように)
・ 恵方を向いて願いを込めながら食べる

Setsubun season has arrived again this year. Many people may think that Setsubun is February 3rd, but in 2025, Setsubun will be on February 2nd (Sunday)! Actually, the date of Setsubun is not fixed and may change every few years. This time, I will write about the reason why Setsubun in 2025 will be on February 2nd.
The reason why Setsubun in 2025 will be on February 2nd is that in the 24 solar terms, the position of the sun is determined by the revolution of the earth, so deviations occur depending on the year. In 2021, Setsubun will fall on February 2nd for the first time in 124 years, and in 2025 it will also fall on February 2nd.
Speaking of Setsubun, the rules for how to eat ehomaki (sushi rolls) are as follows.
・Eat the whole piece without cutting it (to avoid cutting the edges)
– Don’t talk while eating (so you don’t lose your luck)
・Eat while facing the lucky direction and making a wish.
This year’s lucky direction is said to be “West Southwest,” or more accurately, “West Southwest Binan.” Our restaurant is oriented so that you can eat while looking at our restaurant with the Sky Tree on your left. Please come to our store when you are sightseeing in Asakusa on February 2nd.
2025 is said to be a year of many changes, so let’s eat ehomaki and bring in happiness.