8/24 フジテレビ「サスティな!」様でHand Roll Tokyoが紹介されました!
8/24 Hand Roll Tokyo was introduced on Fuji TV “Sasti Na!”!
皆様、本日は嬉しいニュースをシェアします。8月24日にフジテレビの「サスティな!」という番組で、当店Hand Roll Tokyoが紹介されました!
取材して頂いた「サステイな!」スタッフの方々、食レポでご来店頂いたGENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBEの小森様、数原様、本当にありがとうございました。実際にお会いしましたが、格好良くて面白くて素敵な方々でした。ぜひ、YouTubeの未公開シーンもご覧になってください。
Everyone, today I would like to share some exciting news. On August 24th, our store Hand Roll Tokyo was featured on Fuji TV’s “Sasti Na!” program!
As the name suggests, “Sustaina!” is a program with the theme of sustainability, and each program introduces a variety of companies and initiatives. It’s very educational as it digs deeper into how sustainable initiatives are progressing in terms of food, which is essential to our lives.
In fact, our store is also engaged in various SDGs initiatives. We are introducing this on the program, so please watch it on TVer or FOD.
We would like to thank the “Sustaina!” staff who interviewed us, and Mr. Komori and Mr. Kazuhara of GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE, who visited us to report on the food. I actually met them, and they were cool, funny, and wonderful people. Please also check out the unreleased scenes on YouTube.
Although the days are still hot, there are many other great shops in Asakusa besides ours, so please come and visit Asakusa. We look forward to seeing you.